NOVEMBER 18-19, 2019


Rückblick – Blogpartner 2017

Predictive Analytics World Berlin
13.-14. November 2017, Estrel Hotel Berlin

Sie betreiben einen Blog? Werden Sie offizieller Predictive Analytics World Blogpartner!

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I work with bloggers and website owners who struggle with keeping up with new digital marketing strategies and would like to have easy access to templates and plans that work so they understand the why of digital marketing strategies. What makes me different is I explain the tech side of digital marketing and because of this my clients get better results and understanding of what they are doing.

7wData is a blogging platform to foster innovation & matchmaker between people and products, and foremost is here to trigger your data appetite.

Learn from peers by lively discussions, read carefully curated content, explore a detailed business directory, identify and connect to thought leaders and influencers in Big Data, Business Intelligence, Innovation, Data Visualization, Internet Of Things, Analytics and Business Agility

Auf dem Blog veröffentlicht Helmut Naber regelmäßig detaillierte Hilfestellungen zur Suchmaschinenoptimierung. Da SEO oft komplex ist, wird versucht das Thema verständlich und vor allem mit erprobten Beispielen aus der Praxis rüberzubringen. Mit dem Ziel der Entmystifizierung von SEO geben Experten-Interviews wertvolle Einblicke aus verschiedenen SEO Blickwinkeln.

ConversionBoosting betreibt eine Online-Plattform zur Conversion-Optimierung von Websites, Landingpages und Onlineshops. Die Plattform besteht aus den Produkten ANALYZE (Optimierungsvorschläge), KNOW (Datenbank mit Best Practices und Optimierungsstrategien), und
Online-Zertifizierungen. Das Tool ANALYZE liefert konkrete Optimierungsvorschläge für jedes Webseiten-Element sowie Umsetzungstipps. ANALYZE ist eng mit Wissensdatenbank (KNOW) verbunden, die einen riesigen Fundus von weiterführenden Informationen bietet. Als TÜV-zertifizierter Träger von Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen bietet ConversionBoosting E-Learning-Kurse zur Conversion-, Landingpage- und E-Commerce-Optimierung an. Alle Angebote von ConversionBoosting können kostenlos ausprobiert werden.

Mehr Informationen unter

Dirk Schiff ist SEO-Experte & Buchautor im Bereich Onlinemarketing. Er ist Gründer der Agentur aus München. Die Agentur hat sich auf On- und Offpage- Optimierung von kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen spezialisiert.

SEA Panda ist ein Google AdWords Blog mit vielen Tipps und Tricks zum mächtigsten Werbesystem der Welt. Ein Verzeichnis der besten AdWords Agenturen in deutschsprachigem Raum und ein Online Marketing Eventkalender runden das besondere Angebot des Blogs ab.

On the blog, the motivated trainees of artaxo GmbH write about the latest findings in the SEO and online marketing industry. In the course of their unique traineeship, which was launched in 2010, they learn the necessary tools in onpage and offpage optimization to prove themselves in a demanding, constantly changing market and become the SEO experts of the future.

The blog is maintained exclusively by the trainees and covers current topics from the areas of SEO, content marketing, social media and online marketing in is now one of the best-known SEO blogs in Germany. In addition to specialist articles and interviews, the summarizing SEO weekly review is particularly popular. Check it out, because: "It's all uphill from here!"

With 45 employees, Projecter GmbH from Leipzig is one of the largest owner-managed online marketing agencies in Germany. As a full-service digital agency, we support customers in social media marketing, search engine marketing, search engine optimization, affiliate marketing, media buying and web analytics. The strategic consulting, development of concepts and campaigns together with our customers and their complete implementation are in the foreground. Whether influencer marketing, content campaigns or attribution in the customer journey: for clients such as Messe München, Carhartt or Burda Verlag, we implement the latest developments in the industry and ensure optimal results with our more than 10 years of online marketing experience. Our own trainee program and continuous training and development of our team guarantee a consistently high quality of work.

Started as Kai Spriestersbach's personal SEO blog, SEARCH ONE is now an online magazine publishing exciting articles, helpful tips, tutorials, test reports and recommendations on the topics of search engine marketing, SEO, online marketing, web development and WordPress.
In articles like "The Best WordPress Themes" or "The Best WordPress Plugins" Kai Spriestersbach shares his experiences directly from practice with the readers and helps beginners as well as advanced users with honest recommendations to find the right tools and methods faster.

Salmon SEO blog is written by Svetlana Stankovic, international SEO and digital marketing professional. Blog offers an insider perspective and technical tips and tricks about the latest search engine optimization and inbound marketing trends.

As an online marketing agency based in Cologne, we optimize websites for German and international companies with the aim of achieving TOP positions in search engines. From strategic consulting to practical implementation, we provide our customers with comprehensive support in the core areas of search engine optimization and Internet advertising. Reach your customer group optimally on the web together with us.

Ruben Vezzoli, young Online Marketer for a Berlin-based startup called Lesara AG. He created his personal blog in 2013 as a platform to illustrate his ideas and interact with online-marketing experts about a variety of marketing-related topics.

Conversion is the largest dedicated conversion rate optimisation (CRO) and testing agency in the UK. We help our clients better understand their customers - and translate this insight into action. As a business our focus is on helping clients create an unfair competitive advantage through testing. We’ve delivered results for clients ranging from one-person lead generation sites to the likes of Citrix, The Guardian, and Facebook.

Heiko Höhn (aka @Steinhude) ist seit über 20 Jahren in der Online-Reklame. Nach Stationen in Fachverlagen aus dem Bildungsbereich und einem Startup zum Online Sprachen lernen ist er seit 2013 mit Schwerpunkt SEO in der eigenen Agentur funktion5 GmbH am Steinhuder Meer tätig.