NOVEMBER 18-19, 2019


Call for speakers

Predictive Analytics World Berlin
November 18-19, 2019, Estrel Hotel Berlin

The Call for Speakers is officially closed but we are happy to consider your submission in case of program changes as well as for our other Predictive Analytics World events in Germany. 

After the official Call for Speaker deadline, we no longer send feedback. We will contact you if a (backup) speaker slot becomes available.

Please make sure to read our guidelines when applying as a speaker.

The program of each Predictive Analytics World event will be created based on content only.We do not sell speaker slots.

Please note the information on the page when submitting your application.

Would you like to propose a speaker? We look forward to your recommendations!

  • Show rather than tell: The audience are looking for genuine examples, screen shots and stories that illustrate the tips and techniques you are presenting. They want to see how things work and not a list of bullet points. Use visual aids to demonstrate what you are explaining and the attendees will give you the best scores.
  • Please be open:Offer tips, suggestions and insider knowledge.
  • Facts and opinions: There is rarely one correct answer to search marketing problems but opinions are always varied. As such it is particularly important to differentiate between opinions, experiences and facts. This is of particular importance for search marketing beginners as they then have access to a number of different opinions and can use them as a basis to form their own decisions.
  • No sales pitch! Attendees come to the conference to learn, not to hear about what you sell. A good presentation free of sales content is the best and most valuable presentation your company can have. If you would like to present your company briefly then please stick to the following suggestions, which will provide you with some PR but are not generally subject to negative feedback by the audience: Use one slide to present your company and its services, ideally within the context of your presentation. You can also briefly list your clients and provide a company background. The above should take no more than about 30 seconds or 1 minute as a maximum. Get bonus points by saying that there is a lot you could say about your company but that you’d like to spare the audience the typical sales presentation. The audience will appreciate this. When talking about your products or services, use case studies. You can also gain bonus points here by mentioning the services or products provided by your competitors. Should you wish to cover a specific question during the Q&A session, discuss this in advance with your moderator.

Call for Speaker Form